(They act like services - with a nice person whispering in your ear ☺️)

Charm School

  • Learn how to know if support work is right for you, and what to expect from work as a freelancer.

  • You’ll learn about pricing: know your numbers, who's your ideal client and how to find them. Plus you’ll get real about your offerings, and how you'd like to support others.

  • Learn how to support yourself, while you support others, as you go forward into the happily ever. Plus you’ll get the answers to my most FAQs.

  • An opportunity to raise your hand to be added to my matchmaking database of available Charming Customer Service people for hire. 

How to deliver charming Virtual Support.

You're a helper person and you like doing nice things for nice people. You love supporting businesses and causes that you believe in by doing what you do best - solving problems and creating solutions. You are thinking about hanging out your own freelance shingle, but you're not sure where to start, how to find clients, or how best to serve those in need.

So you find yourself asking:

Can I really grow my support business by offering charming customer service even if I don't have a pushy sales personality? Even if I am more of a technical thinker?

Yes. Yes, you can. Particularly if you're not the pushy sales type. (That's what makes it so charming!)

I know because it is the care and love I have offered my clients for years. I loved befriending my client's clients hearing their concerns and solving their problems. I made friends for life and have stayed in touch long after the work has concluded. In addition to a financial bump in my rates, I've received wedding pictures, baby pictures, and goofy pet pictures. I've enjoyed it all, especially the goofy pet pictures. =^..^=

After years of onboarding prospective clients, and consulting with clients who'd like to hire someone just like me, I know there's a real need out there for those willing to open up their hearts to another's clients. In this course, I share what worked for me, how I found my sweet spot, and how you too can grow your own support business and create a vibrant career that supports you. (Hint: It is easier than you think.)

Inbox Clean Up

Let’s give your inbox some love with the 5 day course.

  • First we’ll set the stage + outline the plan to get you on your way to a more peaceful inbox existence.

  • Next, we’ll learn to do a speed clean, followed by a deeper dive, and then we’ll focus on prevention.

  • And finally, we’ll talk about future maintenance, habit tracking, and some of the best tools and resources to keep you and your inbox humming along. 🎶

Give yourself some peace of mind knowing you'll have a plan in place to make your inbox an organized place of tranquillity and prosperity. 

Start with a new approach to your Customer Service: A clean and organized Inbox, and a kind Customer Service strategy going forward.

Do you sometimes resent the demands of your inbox? Are you an HSP who finds even some of the nice words and comments from friends and followers a little too loud? Have you found yourself avoiding your inbox because it seems so overwhelming? Don't know where to start or what to say to certain requests? Does it feel like everyone wants or needs a piece of you? Does your chest or jaw tighten just reading this list? {Deep breath in...} Then this simple and sweet eBook is just for you. Seriously – no inbox is too gnarly. {...and exhale.}

In as few as 15 minutes a day, we'll tackle your overflowing inbox with tiny tasks and tips that are easy to implement. This course provides a lot of the techniques I used to use with my organizational clients and some of the strategies I've used to keep some of the busiest inboxes humming. Together we'll put ease and flow back in your business, right where it all starts: your inbox.

Each chapter comes with a loving heart and gentle encouragement, so pour yourself a warm beverage, and join me.

Hi, I’m Nita Apple 🍎

My services are designed for heart-centered entrepreneurs, kind creatives, and other tender-hearted rebels who want to add more ease and flow back into their hearts’ work.

For the past fourteen years, I’ve been providing customer service and e-commerce solutions for online businesses that are ready to have their business support them, without losing their heart and soul in the process.